Monday, August 17, 2009

Ella greets her visitors!

Calvin going in for a smooch...

Calvin popping her one...
Teresa and Ella
Dave & Ella

Well it has been a while- this summer is flying and finding time to blog has been hard with a newly mobile Ella! Stay tuned for pictures! We have had a great summer for visiting friends. Here are a few pictures of Ella and her friends- first my old college roomie Teresa and her boyfriend Dave came for a visit from Florida. Dave was quite a baby whisperer- Ella loved him! She liked Teresa too! 
We also got to visit with our friends the Wolfgrams. Calvin is 2 weeks older than Ella and they had a good time hanging while the folks had dinner. Ella wasn't sure what to make of Calvin's moves- he really wanted to give her kisses! Next time they get together both will be mobile- double trouble!! 

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